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Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a big fan of the big screen. Eating popcorn out of a never ending bucket with lots of butter….yummm….and a giant collectible cup of ice cold Coca Cola, seemed like the best place a kid could be.  The weekend seemed incomplete without catching a Saturday matinee at the local Movie Theater. That is what has inspired me to blog about the movies this fall.

“Thumb(s) Up or Toe(s) Up” is a blog about the upcoming Hollywood blockbusters.  I will be reviewing the movies and will give you my opinion as well as give my personal ratings based on story line, acting, plot, and the overall experience.


I will rate the movies on the following scale:


Two Thumbs up- a must see movie

One Thumb up- worth watching

One Toe up- watch on Netflix

Two Toes up- Don’t waste your time



I have been fascinated with movies for as long as I can remember.  And it has always been told me that movies come from Hollywood.  It made sense, that if shoe comes from a factory, corn come from a field, then there must be some place where movies come from. 

But, the story of Hollywood is not as simple as one would think.  Over time the word Hollywood has become more than just a movie factory. 

True Hollywood Story










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